Wessex Diagnostic provides an independent and objective assessment of ultrasound equipment performance with a full Quality Assurance programme. The tests include:
- Measurements on the B-scan image
- Doppler ultrasound facilities
- Standard electrical safety procedures (eg: leakage currents and transducer electrical insulation)
The quality assurance tests are carried out by experienced medical physicists in compliance with the following reports:
- National Care Standards Commission (NCSC) national minimum standard recommendations for radiology ultrasound services.
- IPEM* Report 70 Testing Doppler Equipment
- IPEM* Report 71 Routine QA of ultrasound Imaging Systems
- Guidance notes for Ultrasound Scanners used in the Examination of the Breast (MDA/98/52)
* Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine
For more details on the three assessment tests, please see our Quality Assurance programme here.
Pricing structure
The charges are based on a fee per transducer and a fixed price per system for the electrical safety test.
There are discounts of 5%, 10% and 15% for 2, 3, 4 or more systems respectively in each hospital and special rates can be negiotiated for regional or national agreements.
Our Quality Assurance service is currently available in England and Wales. If you are elsewhere in the UK, please contact us and we can assess on a case by case basis.
For a competitive quote or more information on our independent and objective Quality Assurance service, please contact our technical team.