Consultant Clinical Scientist (r)

BA (Hons), MSc, C. Phys & C. Sci - Company Founder and Executive Consultant

Keith is an honary senior research fellow at the University of Wales in Cardiff and a Consultant Clinical Scientist specialising in vascular ultrasound, most recently working as an independent consultant for Harley Street Clinic, Nuffield Hospital Guildford and Kind Edward VI Hospital.

He graduated in physics at the universities of Essex and Sheffield and completed his training in medical physics at Guys Hospital. In 1975, Keith moved to Southampton General Hospital where he was head of the vascular ultrasound unit. Here he was responsible for the diagnostic and technical development of these vascular techniques and was one of a team producing a 3D continuous wave Doppler imaging system.

From 1990 he was employed at the Royal Post Graduate Medical School as Principal Scientific Officer, where he was involved in research and development of 3-D ultrasound imaging techniques and the provision of quality assurance and servicing of ultrasound equipment at the Hammersmith Hospital and North and West London Hospitals. This work continued in the Medical Physic Department at Hammersmith from 1995 and from 1998 as honary senior lecturer at Imperial College.

Keith has been involved in education throughout his career, establishing and running training course and conference, and in 1999 he was part of a group who instigated and established the MSC in Medical Ultrasound at Imperial College, becoming the initial course director until 2009. He has supervised on a series of MSc. and Ph.D projects and published extensively on vascular ultrasound diagnostic techniques, 3-D ultrasound imaging and associated image processing. He has also been an internal and external examiner for Imperial College and the University of London. His current research interests include ultrasound quantification of erthroyte echogenicity, lumbar artery investigations and 3-D ultrasound techniques.

Although very much still involved with company development, Keith has this year stepped down as Director, chair and demonstrator on the training courses after 30 years to pursue new technical developments! We would like to thank him for his passion, insight and hard work towards developing the field of ultrasound training.