2021 a new era

Wessex Diagnostic is pleased to see that a new era is arriving as the first vaccines for Covid-19 are being rolled out. This allows us to start making plans for our 2021 training programme. Education courses that have a practical ultrasound scanning focus lose too much by becoming online courses, so these have been delayed to ensure the safety of all delegates, faculty and staff.

This guided practical scanning is essential to help build accurate diagnosis skills, whilst building CPD points. Many find it difficult to find opportunities available to practice and gain the valuable knowledge and insight that it can provide. This has been compounded last year with the onset of Covid-19 and it has been a hot discussion topic within the sector.

Socially distanced courses can be successful in creating a safe environment with the following components: reduced numbers, careful planning, suitable PPE, strict sanitation schedules, individual delegate schedules, 1 to 1 practical workshops and the following of all current Covid guidelines. As with all events in current times, clear steps need to be provided on postponement, should the government guidelines change and delegate fees need to be reimbursed in full, in the unlikely event a course can’t be postponed.

In light of developments, we are pleased to announce our delayed 2021 programme to run socially-distanced ultrasound courses subject to government guidelines, with substantially reduced numbers. For more information on our courses, please see our course programme.